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Policies and Objectives

Sustainability Policies

The Kibun Group, guided by the principle of doing everything with a sense of appreciation, is grateful for the gifts of nature, our customers, and other stakeholders. Inspired by this appreciation, we promote ESG-conscious management founded on achieving of the goals of the SDGs.

Code of Conduct Based on Sustainability Policies

Mindful of our management philosophy–Kibun Spirit of Innovation, New Challenges, and Dreams—the Kibun Group operates with the intention of becoming "a company that contributes to the bright, healthy lifestyles of our customers by providing foods that are both delicious and enjoyable." Our Code of Conduct sets out the basic points that we must observe when operating our businesses.

1. We provide safe and secure products and services.

2. We conduct business activities fairly.

3. We preserve and effectively use business assets and information.

4. We maintain a comfortable working environment.

5. We respect human rights and individuality.

6. We give full consideration to resources and the environment, the common property of society.

7. We respect the traditions and cultures of every country and region.

8. We fully disclose information related to our business activities.

Sustainability Objectives by 2030

Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
Reduce total CO2 emissions by 30% (compared with FY2013)
Reduce food loss
Reduce food loss (volume of food waste) by at least 20% (compared with FY2019)
Achieve a food waste recycling rate of 99%
Sustainable procurement of raw materials
At least 75% of fish paste from sustainable fisheries certified by MSC, *1 etc.
Zero procurement from IUU fisheries*2
Less use of plastics
Reduce use of plastics by 30% (compared with FY2018)
Human Resource Development
Achieve 15% for women in management positions

※1 MSC Fishery Certification : Marine Stewardship Council’s system to certify that fisheries are sustainable and well managed.

※2 Illegal, unreported, and unregulated fisheries

achieving the UN’s SDGs and responding to ESG Issues.
We promise to do our part for reaching these goals.

The Kibun Group is committed to working carefully on helping to achieve the SDG※3 goals one by one, mindful of the need to have a better, more sustainable world.

※3 SDGs:The UN's international goals for a better, more sustainable world by 2030, unanimously adopted by member states at a September 2015 United Nations Summit.

We have been fulfilling our responsibilities as a corporate citizen by striving to reduce our environmental impact through business activities. In 2021, we established a Sustainability Committee (chaired by the Representative President) to more fully develop our initiatives.

The committee examines and discusses our sustainability issues in a cross-sectional way within the Group’s plans and management policies. In addition, we have endorsed the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), as well as discloses information based on TCFD recommendations in response to climate change.


We are also aware of the business risks and opportunities we face due to climate change, and are considering ways to address them.

This will enable us to transition to a business structure that is not significantly affected by climate change as well to achieve stable growth and increased corporate value over the medium to long term.


Specific Initiatives

At Kibun, we promise to be gentle to the earth, where the atmosphere and the oceans are connected.

The Kibun Group is doing everything possible to ensure that business activities are environmentally friendly on a global scale so that we do not increase greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

The tank for LNG that generates less CO2 during combustion at the Shizuoka factory

The tank for LNG that generates less CO2 during combustion at the Shizuoka factory

All of our food factory has been implementing global warming countermeasures, such as saving energy and reducing CO2 emissions, paying close attention to the equipment used during manufacturing and the amount of energy we consume.
For example, at the Shizuoka factory, where we use natural gas as the heat source for boilers, we now generate less CO2 during combustion, and we have installed refrigeration equipment that uses natural refrigerants in place of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs).

Refrigeration equipment using natural refrigerants at the Shizuoka factory

Refrigeration equipment using natural refrigerants at the Shizuoka factory

Our Tokyo factory is continuing to take the initiative with specific targets※4 for medium- to long-term energy conservation and reducing peak power consumption. As part of this initiative, in fiscal 2018 we installed a gas cogeneration system, or a system that simultaneously produces and supplies two types of energy: electricity and heat. This system uses natural gas as the fuel for power generation, and is intended to use energy more efficiently. In these ways, we are working to reduce energy consumption throughout the entire factory.

※4 Power peak reduction of 2,000 MWh or more per year

Gas cogeneration system at the Tokyo factory

Gas cogeneration system at the Tokyo factory

Protecting the environment protects food.
At Kibun, we promise to be gentle to the earth.

The Kibun Group takes materials from nature and turns them into a rich assortment of foods. For this reason,—and as a corporate citizen—we are grateful for the blessings of nature and believe that we must strive to achieve harmony with the environment.

For example, for the Japanese market, we have changed the packaging standards for some of our products. We now include Kibun’s original eco mark on packages to indicate that the product is environmentally friendly and to let our customers know about our environment initiatives.

紀文オリジナルeco マーク(※パッケージデザインにより色が異なります)

Kibun’s original eco mark(※The color
of the mark changes
depending on the package design.)

紀文オリジナルeco マーク付きの商品の一部

Examples of our products with Kibun’s original eco mark

We adopted a packaging method called modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) for some products to decrease the amount of raw materials derived from petroleum that we use. Compared with packages where the entire product tray is wrapped in plastic, the amount of plastic wrap has been reduced to one-third. We first introduced MAP for satsuma-age and are now expanding its use to chikuwa side dishes and other products.


Yasai Tempura and Shakitto Tamanegi Ten, for which we adopted a new packaging method

In addition, to balance consideration for the environment with the protection and the legacy of Washoku (traditional Japanese cuisine), in 2010 we changed the material used in the rolling mat (part of the product packaging) for date-maki from polypropylene to paper for some products. Since 2011, we have used a paper material for our leading date-maki products.

Date-maki with paper rolling mat in the package

Date-maki with paper rolling mat in the package

Furthermore, in response to the social issue of food waste, we have extended the shelf life of products through innovations in production and improved packaging. We extended the expiration dates of some of satsuma-age products in 2020, and as well as some of our chikuwa and crab-flavored seafood products in 2022.

Takebue and Shitaraba, for which we extended of the expiration date

Takebue and Shitaraba, for which we extended of the expiration date

Improving corporate value by acting responsibly. That is our promise as a good corporate citizen.

The Kibun Group believes that it is essential to strengthen governance for maximizing corporate value. For this reason, we have built relationships that earn the trust of shareholders, customers, business partners, local communities, and other stakeholders, as well as the general society.
Consequently, while improving the soundness and transparency of management, we will also strive to speed up decision-making, quickly disclose information, and strengthen monitoring and supervision for better management and business execution.


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